
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2017

Freebie Marketing is Legitimate Income

 Freebie trading or marketing has become a steady source of income for many alert home workers. They may not be millionaires, but they are earning $3000 - $4000 monthly in the freebie networking community. The average freebie marketers makes around $100 - $200 weekly. What is freebie trading/marketing? It's some what like getting paid to shop. There are companies that give incentives for buying their products. Websites have been established behind this concept. Vendors pay web site owners for accumulating referred sales. It generally goes like this. You visit a site. Then register to become a member. Membership makes you eligible to get credits for each offer you complete. An offer example would be: complete 3 offers and get a prize or complete one offer and get a prize. A prize can be an iPod or electronic device or it can be cash. Some sites give you a choice. Others specify what your prize will be. Getting credits on offers generally entails purchasing $1 - $10 (sometimes the pr...